I fell asleep at 9:30 last night and had the most gorgeous sleep until about 7:30 :) (Anyone else get really excited about a good night's sleep?) I actually woke up at 6 and debated on writing, but being that it was still so dark and cold out, I cuddled my little pup closer to my chest and closed my eyes to just enjoy the quiet of morning. No birds were chirping, no cars were driving by, everything was was simple, serene and perfectly peaceful.
Sometimes it feels good to just lay in bed a few minutes longer, to take your time stretching among the warm sheets before stepping out of bed, to let the hot shower water hit your skin before rushing to get out, and to enjoy each sip of coffee or tea without your mind already set on the next task for the day.
I asked the women in my female mastermind, A Night for Dreamers, what their word for 2019 was and what word they would like to embody for 2020. For me, 2019 was all about creation and movement. My word or words for 2020 are being and presence. It's only after living a full year in such quick motion and productivity that I can now see that true creation and movement is felt best with being and presence. Life just feels better, I feel better, when I'm moving through my days with the presence of what I'm thinking and doing.
As I sit here now and write this post with a cup of peppermint tea, my little dachshund chihuahua cozied up in her bed by a fire, and my affirmation journal beside me, I let myself really sit in this moment and feel thanks for these smaller gestures of grace that move throughout my life more often than I may notice, but will certainly try to witness with more presence and being.